
Meet the Changemakers with Bradley Burrowes

What is your current role at TBH?

I am an Associate Director specialising in Delay Claims, focusing on independent expert work such as advising clients and assisting in high court proceedings.

Why do you find these services and industries interesting?

I enjoy providing practical, realistic, and valuable advice to my clients on the strengths and weaknesses of their claims, so they can focus on key issues and strengthen their negotiation position. Additionally, I am interested in legal developments related to construction disputes and its effects on ongoing projects.

What did you study, and what made you decide on a career in consulting at TBH?

I earned a Bachelor of Civil Engineering in New Zealand and gained experience on large infrastructure projects working for the main contractor. I furthered my education with a Master of Construction Law from King’s College in London. My career in consulting began in the UK, focusing on construction disputes, particularly delay disputes.  After researching consulting firms in Australia, I decided to join TBH due to its reputation as one of the largest privately owned, independent consultancy firms in the region. TBH also provides a wide range of construction consulting services, including front-end planning, integrated project controls, and construction dispute resolution, which aligned well with my experience.

Tell us about a career highlight of yours.

As a construction manager on the Crossrail Project in London, I worked on the Whitechapel Station Project, a critical infrastructure project involving live railway lines. The project was successfully delivered, significantly benefiting East London communities. In the field of disputes, I assisted a client in a multi-billion-dollar dispute, helping them reach a satisfactory settlement during mediation. While I wasn’t privy to the final details, I was informed that the client was pleased with the outcome.

Regarding your career, what are you passionate about?

I am deeply passionate about construction contracts and helping clients understand their legal commitments. I especially enjoy guiding clients through the delay process, explaining how it is calculated, and offering expert, independent advice on claims. I also have a keen interest in renewable energy and major infrastructure projects due to their significant impact on local economies and communities.

What major innovations or industry trends are you most excited about? 

I am excited about how artificial intelligence (AI) will enable efficiencies and ultimately enhance the value we can offer to our clients on the disputes and claims sector. I believe AI’s ability to quickly filter relevant data and provide predictive analytics will lead to substantial cost savings for businesses and enable more balanced, data-driven dispute resolutions.

I am also looking forward to exploring AI’s potential to draft construction contracts and help with contract administration, two critical factors that often determine a project’s success or failure. By utilising technologies such as predictive modelling and data analytics, potential disputes and risks might be proactively identified and mitigated during the construction phase, increasing the probability of successful project delivery down the line.

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