Cost Management

Unlike traditional cost accounting, TBH’s cost management services are forward looking because control can only be considered on costs which have not yet been committed. TBH’s cost management constantly compares updated forecast final costs with the budget, and looks for solutions when the forecast exceeds the budget. TBH’s methodologies and extensive experience helps the client manage the cost outcome of the project, which are complementary to TBH’s other core services.
Cost Management Expertise
Cost Management is a core discipline within TBH’s service delivery. Unlike traditional cost accounting, our services are forward looking with a focus on controllable costs yet to be committed. Constant, real time monitoring and forecasting identifies issues early. Clients are kept up to date at all times facilitating informed, confident reporting to stakeholders.
Specialist Skills
- Feasibility studies
- Estimating and Cost Planning
- Value and Benefits Management
- Advice on procurement options
- Preparation and analysis of tender/bid documentation
- Cash flows and Risk analysis
- Cost Forecasting and trending throughout the project life
- Earned Value Performance Management
- Assessment of progress claims, and of variation/change claims
- Settlement of final accounts
- Assistance with statutory payment obligations
- Contractual claims