
Meet the Changemakers with Nicole Wee

What is your current role at TBH?

I’m a Senior Consultant providing Planning & Scheduling services to various clients across multiple industries including data centres, IT and oil and gas.

Why do you find these services and industries interesting?

Prior to joining TBH, my previous work experiences had mainly been in the oil and gas sector. Joining TBH, I have been exposed to new industries, particularly in data centre and IT projects, which has helped me expand my technical knowledge and provided me with new experiences and opportunities.

Working on different projects across the region has provided me with valuable insights and contributed to my professional growth as a consultant and planner.

What did you study, and what made you decide on a career in consulting and ultimately at TBH?

I hold a degree in Mechanical Engineering and have worked as a planner since the start of my career. I chose to pursue consulting because it presents diverse opportunities to engage in various projects across different industries, which I find very exciting. At TBH, we strive to offer impartial and professional advice, aiming to add value to our clients and solve their complex problems. I find this role particularly fulfilling as it allows me to apply my experience and expertise while assisting clients effectively.

What major projects have you worked on while at TBH?

The first project I worked on when I joined TBH was the construction of a hyperscale data centre in Singapore for one of the world’s largest data centre providers. The project, which spanned a two-year period from 2021 – 2023, required TBH to provide independent weekly reviews and reporting on the project schedule, to ensure that it was delivered on time. TBH also helped the client in assessing an extension of time claim from the contractor.

A data centre is a facility that centralises an organisation’s IT operations and equipment for the purposes of storing, processing and disseminating data and applications. In this case, our client was a technology company focused on e-commerce, cloud computing, online advertising, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. Projects like these create employment opportunities for various skill sets, leading to reduced unemployment and increased income levels. The local infrastructure also benefits the surrounding areas, attracting other businesses and stimulates the local economy.

Tell us about a career highlight of yours.

I had the opportunity to assist our International Inclusivity and Diversity (ID) Committee to launch an employee feedback survey for the Singapore and Middle East teams. We analysed the data and proposed various initiatives for the teams based on the feedback from the survey. One initiative which was subsequently rolled out is TBH’s Buddy System, which helps new joiners to integrate effectively within the teams and navigate work life within the broader TBH group.

Regarding your career, what are you passionate about?

It is fascinating to witness the transformative impact of renewable energy on various industries, including even the most traditional ones. As an illustration, a shipyard in Singapore has recently adopted solar panels to harness solar energy, while Singapore’s first fully electric ferry began operating in May 2023. Additionally, the construction industry is embracing the trend of constructing net-zero buildings. These developments highlight an exciting period for the renewable sector, as it continues to revolutionise different sectors and pave the way for a more sustainable future. It is definitely something I’m excited to delve into more.

What major innovations or industry trends are you most excited about?

I am very interested to see how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will transform the daily responsibilities of a planner. Being able to automate day-to-day tasks would aid in improving efficiency and free up the planners for tasks which require more critical thinking and analysis skills. This would definitely result in higher productivity overall with better quality outcomes for TBH’s clients.
We have started exploring the use of generative AI to aid us in delivering our work. It has proven useful so far in helping complete some admin-related tasks and research. Despite it being a developing software, we are already seeing the benefits.

Have you joined any of TBH’s committees?

Yes! I’m involved with the Singapore Social Committee and serve as a TBH Values Champion. Additionally, I’ve been a member of the International ID Committee.
I have previously helped the ID Committee in organising the first LGBTQ+ employee engagement session for the Singapore office with Oogachaga, which is a non-profit organisation working with LGBTQ+ community and families to promote awareness and inclusivity. I do hope this initiative will impact TBH’s staff both in their professional life and life outside of work, leaving lasting changes on them.

What difference are you hoping to make for TBH in the region you work in?

I hope to make a difference for TBH by actively contributing to the company’s journey towards better inclusion and diversity. I aspire to be part of a wide range of initiatives, be it to promote and advocate for equality for women, or addressing topics related to the LGBTQ+ community etc. By actively participating in these efforts, I aim to support TBH in becoming a vocal advocate for inclusivity, making a positive impact in the region and fostering a more diverse and equitable environment, as well as helping to attract and retain talent within in the company.

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